Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Did Cats Get Their Fur?- 1: The Prophecy

How Did Cats Get Their Fur?
Many moons ago, on the planet Animala, which would later evolve into Earth, there lived all the animals of the world.
Of those animals, there were dogs, and there were cats.  The cats lived in the small bustling village of Catsville, and the dogs roamed the large country called Dogland.  At that time, dogs had fur, and cats did not.  So while dogs looked sleek and elegant, cats were hairless and ugly.  The cats envied the dogs.
King Nakura of the dogs took advantage of this.  He told the cats he would give them fur if they help him conquer all of the animals.  So the cats helped the dogs, and soon the dogs ruled all the animals of the land.  Soon, Rakira, queen of cats, reminded King Nakura that he promised to give them fur.  But he just laughed and said, “You believed that?  You actually thought I would give you fur?  You cats are just a useless tool, something to help me rise to power!”  And with that, he hit Rakira with a heavy paw, and injured her leg so that she could never walk right again.
The cats were angry, and they fought the dogs, hissing and spitting.  But the dogs forced the other animals they conquered to fight the cats.  Many lives were lost, but the dogs just looked on, undaunted, from their fortress.
Slowly, the cats retreated.  They knew they were fighting a losing battle.  They were nearly in Catsville when Nakura allowed the animals he controlled to go back to Dogland.
Bast, the cat goddess, felt sorry for the cats.  She decided to help them get fur, so she sent an oracle cat to Catsville, who bore a prophecy for a quest, in which two young cats journey to defeat Nakura, proving themselves and earning their fur.
During this all, littermates Lyra and Thunder were hiding in an underground tunnel beneath the battlefield.  They were supposed to be hiding in their house, but they were curious and wanted to at least hear the battle, if they couldn’t see it.
Suddenly, they heard Rakira yowl, “Retreat!” and they heard the thundering of paws that signaled the cat warriors were returning to Catsville.  Thunder tried to speak, but Lyra whipped her tail across his mouth, telling him to be silent.  
<Let’s go.>  Lyra thought the words to Thunder, using their secret telepathic skill.
Quietly, they hurried back through the underground passage to their cellar, where they curled up and pretended that they were there the whole time.  They arrived just in time.
Two heartbeats after Lyra and Thunder returned home, their mother, Star, hurried  down the steps to check on them.  “Quick,” she mewed.  “Queen Rakira called a meeting.  There seems to be a mysterious cat that arrived during the battle, and she bears a prophecy.”  
Excited, Lyra and Thunder scampered after their mother to the Cat Hall, where important meetings were held.  When they arrived, a crowd had already gathered.  Lyra saw a blue furred cat sitting in the middle of it, her fur glowing slightly green.  Lyra and Thunder pushed their way to the front of the crowd and saw that their queen was sitting in front of the mysterious cat.  Thunder stared into the Oracle’s unnaturally scarlet eyes, sinking into their depths.  She seemed to stare right through him, then she switched her gaze to Lyra.  And she opened her mouth to speak:
“Two younglings shall embark 
on a dangerous quest,
Their souls are one, 
Their minds connected.
They shall journey to the
Cave of Nakura,
Defeat the king
Of the dogs
With a rebel
As their guide, 
They kill the king
With tooth and claw
Return home
Their fur shall
Appear at once
Unite the dogs
And the cats
Become friends
For the time being
Die, or fail,
At this quest,
Cats shall disappear

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