Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Battle With Sazar, The Evil Banana Head

One day, when Super Frog was in his pond resting and Super Kitten was by his side resting, the Evil Banana Head appeared. He captured Super Frog when both he and Super Kitten were sleeping. When Super kitten found out, Super Frog was already squashed under molten rock in the Evil Banana Head's' volcano. Super Kitten rushed to the rescue! She used her sensor power and sensed where Super Frog was. So, Super Kitten rushed very, very fast to the volcano. She rushed so fast she almost ran into a tree! Super Kitten also used her sensor power to sense where the volcano was. The volcano was deep in the forest. When Super Kitten got to the volcano, to save her time, she used her laser beam to laser all of the guards, and when all of the guards were dead, she used her laser beam so much that he had to lie down and couldn't get up again. Then Super Kitten used her last amount of energy to laser the rock between Super Frog and the rock on the top so she could pull Super Frog out. Super Frog couldn't get himself out because of the sudden heat; he had fainted. Since Sazar couldn't get up, Super Kitten sucked up all of his power so she could bury him with molten rock. Then she and Super Frog slept for a day in the volcano and the next day, they both went outside and smashed the volcano into millions of pieces and it was never seen again. Until the rise of Nakumara, at least, but I'll tell you about him later in the series. Much later.

The End

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