Friday, February 17, 2012

Lilykit's Adventure- 3: The Adventure

One day, to Lilykit's dismay, their train started shaking harder than usual.

"What's happening?" squeaked Rosekit, frightened.

"I don't know!" Moonflower yowled back.

Sounds of pounding feet flooded their shelter...

The cats later learned that their home had become a tourist site.


It had been two moons since the train cabin next to the cats' home had become a tourist site, and even though her mother warned her against it, Lilykit was ready to explore.

Again, the train had two sections; the cats lived in one, the human visited the other. There was a door connecting the two that could easily swing open, but was watched by the adult cats every minute of the day.

Finally, Lilykit came up with a good plan to evade them. But she needed Rosekit's help.

It was a nice, bright day, and everyone was relaxing in the pleasant warmth of the sun, when suddenly, Rosekit let out an earsplitting wail.

All the cats immediately crowded, and Lilykit slipped through the door.

It all hit her suddenly: the brightness, the people, and of course, the ball.

The bright red sphere soared through the air and bounced right off of Lilykit's head. With a yowl, she scrambled under the table...and found a small rock!

Lilykit batted at the round pebble and it rolled. Soon, she was chasing the pebble all over the room, until it rolled under a scooter.

Curious, Lilykit forgot about the pebble. She circled once around the scooter, then climbed onto it, balancing in the middle.

When the scooter got boring, Lilykit bounded onto the the chair next to the chair that the scooter was leaning on.

While she settled herself, Lilykit found out that she was looking at a glass pane. Amazed, she found that she could see through it! On the other side of the glass, covered in dainty, pink flowers, was a tree, a cherry blossom tree.

How beautiful, Lilykit thought as she watched a pair of robins dance and weave around the branches. I wish...

Right then, a pair of hands picked her up------by the tail, that is.

"Mreeow!" The startled toddler dropped Lilykit, who, to avoid hitting the ground on her side, clung to his shorts, pulling them down and revealing... a pair of smiley face underpants! Shocked, the parent picked up a nearly yoyo and flung it at Lilykit, who ran away to a table covered in old-fashioned food.

There, a particularly annoying fly buzzed around her head, distracting Lilykit as she stood wide-eyed, gazing at all the food as humans ate them. A couple were staring at her, whispering to each other. The fly kept buzzing. Finally, Lilykit couldn't stand it anymore. She swatted at it, and it landed in a cup of earl grey tea.

"Eek!" shrieked the woman who was drinking it. She whipped out her phone to call the police. When the cell phone rang, it rang softly, but Lilykit's sensitive ears picked it up immediately. Lilykit darted away, crashing into a book, which fell off the table and fell on a bright pink piggy bank, smashing it into thousands of pieces. In the middle of the shards was a huge, sparkling diamond. Entranced by the light dancing around on the gem, Lilykit picked it up in her jaws and trotted under the table, pleased with her find.

Suddenly, a lithe brown figure darted across the floor. Excited, Lilykit dropped the diamond, which hit it's head, stunning it. Lilykit immediately sank her teeth into the little figure, tasting blood. A mouse! she thought. My first catch!

Lilykit trotted out happily, carrying the limp mouse back to the cats' side of the train.

On her way, she encountered a small, brown, and bird-shaped balloon. Thinking that it was a delicious peasant that was rarely ever caught, she sank her claws into it, letting out a loud 'pop!'

Suddenly scared, she immediately snatched up her mouse and raced back to the other train cabin, where Sandpelt stood with a stern look on her face.

"I'm sorry," mewed Lilykit softly.

Graynose sprang over to nuzzle her. "We were so worried!" he scolded. And then he started purring. "But it's alright now. Just don't go back, okay?"

Lilykit nodded, flattened her fur, and ate her hard-earned mouse. She snuggled in right next to Rosekit, purring softly and thinking, I'm glad this day of adventures is over. I just wonder when I'll go back again... I think I'll bring Rosekit with me next time.

Thinking about this, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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