Animal Pictures


Hi!  I'm Thunder!

And I'm Lyra.  Don't bother me, I'm snoozing.

I thought I told you not to bother me...

Oh well...

Oh, hi Thunder!

I Want Food:

I wish there was some food...

Everything's great, I just need some food.

I'll groom myself to pass the time.

Just until someone has the sense to give me some food...

What?  I'm hungry!

She's going away.  There's no chance now...

*Sigh*  Why doesn't she get it?  I'm hungry, and I want food!  Now!

Time to Go Outside:

I wanna go outside.

Me too!

Please let us outside!

Please? Please? Please?

I'll do anything you say!  Just let me go outside!

And what if she tells you not to go outside?  Get up, mouse-brain!

Aww, you wouldn't!  Would you?

Oh, Thunder...

If we wait long enough, she's bound to let us out.  Eventually...

I give up.  I'm going to find a nice warm place to curl up and sleep.  
Tell me if she opens the door, will you, Thunder?

Okay, bye!

Please let me out.  Please?

Look at all the animals having fun out there.  Why won't you let me join them?

Let me out!  Or you'll see my dark side...of my face!

Mrrow!  Why are you so mean?

I'm going to ignore you...

*Click*  Finally!  Lyra, I'm going out!

Comfy Perch:

It's so comfortable up here...But one thing would make it even better.

So tell me, does this guy ever smile?

Super Thunder:

Here I'm normal... Just don't take my picture!

I said, don't take my picture!


Mirror, Mirror:


Hey, yourself!

You look the same as me!  Almost...
