Chapter 33: WaveClan Found!
The HeatherClan cats continued along the river until they reached the ditch. They began to search for signs of WaveClan.
Suddenly, Birdflight exclaimed, "Hey! Look at this! It's a badger burrow!"
Sandpelt perked up. "Get away from there!" She wrinkled her nose. "That garlic stinks, and it could hide any scent of badger!"
"Sorry," Birdflight murmured, flattening her ears.
"Yes, that was quite mouse-brained of you," Silverstar interrupted. "But lets check it out. Carefully!"
One by one, the cats shuffled in to the burrow. "Hey!" mewed Greynose. "WaveClan scent!"
Indeed, the band could smell the faint scent of WaveClan, almost smothered by the garlic.
Silverstar continued to lead the way through the small passage, and found herself in a large cavern.
And it was filled with cats! One by one, they hissed and stalked towards them.
"We're HeatherClan cats!" Greynose meowed.
"We're here to help you come back!" added Birdflight.
The hissing paused, then a big cat padded forward. "Is this true? We can go back?"
"Well..." Silverstar meowed. "We need your help to defeat the Dark Forest cats, and the cats following them, including and NightClan and FearClan. Right now we have CloudClan and StormClan as allies.....and WaveClan."
"Is it safe?" an unidentifiable cat mewed.
"We'll let you stay with us," Silverstar meowed. "We have room. We'll care for you and protect you."
"Then let's go!"
The HeatherClan cats all sighed with relief.